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Clutter Management

Many people confuse clutter management with de-cluttering.  They wake up one morning, notice all the clutter, and jump right into de-cluttering.  They may hear a little voice suggesting that they ought to think about why the clutter built up in the first

Clutter Management
Controlling the build-up of clutter
Getting rid of the stuff that has built-up

place.  But, they put that question out of their minds, hoping that they can deal with it later . . . when they feel better, or, after the holidays, or . . . .

Our advice is to resist this impulse!  Instead, read on to learn about:

  • How to Tell When You're on the De-Cluttering Merry-Go-Round
  • What Really Causes Clutter
  • How to Avoid Clutter in the First Place
  • The Right Way to Mount a Clutter Blitz

How to Tell When You're On The De-Cluttering Merry-Go-Round

Even the nicest, most organized people are surprised to discover one day that they not only have a clutter problem, but, worse, no amount of work seems to fix the problem.

How did they get this problem?  It is surprisingly easy.  All it takes is a seemingly harmless thought pattern like:

  1. "Wow, the clutter just seems to build up.  I need to do something about it, put a stop to it, but, . . ."
  2. "Right now, I'm feeling down.  I ought to figure out what's causing the clutter, but, doing a little de-cluttering would make me feel better and that's what I need right now."
  3. "Besides, the issue is getting the place in order.  Getting philosophical about clutter, well, that's a luxury busy people can't afford.  Right?"
  4. "OK.  I just need to get to work.  First, I'll do a few hours tidying up the family room and then I'll take a break and come up with a plan, and, then . . ."

 . . . puff!  You're on the de-cluttering merry-go-round, and, its not a fun ride.

It's no fun because sooner or later the realization hits you that no amount of work is enough to get ahead of the clutter.  There is simply not enough time in the day, week, or month to juggle piles of clutter, mount periodic clutter binges, and handle other routine responsibilities.  You're never going to get ahead!

If you're feeling anything like this then you're probably on the de-cluttering merry-go-round.   But, recognizing this is the start towards a real solution.  You simply have to pay some attention to the fundamental issue:  eliminating the causes of clutter, managing it before it even happens.

(go to page 2 - "What Causes Clutter")

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