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Sink Reflections
by Marla Cilley
Marla Cilley, also known as the FlyLady, has written a wonderful book on house cleaning.  She emphasizes three things:  good morale, smart routines, and repetition.  As the book's title suggests, if you can't start the day with a clean, shiny sink, then your morale is going to be an important issue to address.  Marla emphasizes the use of a timer to limit the amount of time spent on any one task and of a calendar or planning book to spread the work out over the weeks and month.  Much of this is explained at her web site, FlyLady.Net.  But, you'll want to read the book to get the most out of her system. 
Sink Reflections
Buy New $10.47!
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Get Your Act Together
by Pam Young
Pam Young and Peggy Jones, also known as the Slob Sisters, have written many books on what it means to be a SHE (Sidetracked Home Executive).  This one strikes a good balance between explaining their card system and the issues which often lead people to have problems with clutter and cleaning.  For more information on SHE thinking, see their web site at
Get Your Act Together!
Pam Young
Buy New $9.60!
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Real Simple
Magazine From Time Inc.
This new magazine is targeting young, urban mothers who want to live well by living "simple".  Their May 2004 issue had a very well put together article on house cleaning called "A Lean, Mean Cleaning Routine" (p. 192).  Get a subscription through Amazon.Com.  The magazine's soothing graphics will put some tranquility into your life, no matter how hectic it may be.
Real Simple
The Time Inc. Maga...
Buy New $19.95!
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DomoScheduler News 7/26/2005 - First round of testing to begin in August
Domestic Automation
How home networking will change the way you run your home
Behind the Model
Article discussing how Cleaning Strategizer utility pinpoints what to work on with your house cleaning program

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