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Clutter Management-How to Mount a Clutter Blitz
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How to Mount a Clutter Blitz

Our blitz procedure should be applied one room at a time to each room of the house.  It is useful to prepare a list of the order in which you will tackle the different rooms.  How you order the list is up to you.  As a suggestion, it is worth doing a few easy rooms first to build some sense of momentum and then to tackle the one or two rooms that are the most bothersome or difficult to keep in order. 

Before you start with a room, you should set a time limit for completing the project and stick to the time limit.  Forty-five minutes to two hours is the time to allow per room.

Have lawn and garden size trash bags, boxes, tape, and marking pens handy so that you have the means to quickly remove debris and excess stuff from the room.

1.  Quickly Sort Through the Clutter and Throw Away all Excess Stuff
One of the biggest mistake people make when de-cluttering is to mix together tidying up and sorting through clutter.  When de-cluttering, speed of execution is very important.  The best approach is to first throw away anything that looks like trash or which isn’t used regularly (that is,  daily or weekly).  If you start trying to tidy up and reorganize the space before getting rid of the maximum amount of stuff, the de-cluttering process will go too slowly and, worse, you’ll mistakenly keep stuff around that you don’t use very often.
2.  Separate Daily/Weekly Items from Monthly/Yearly Items
One useful technique is to try to store seldom used items in a different area of the house.  This may force an occasional trip to the long-term storage area, but, it is far easier to keep a space tidy if everything in it is being used daily or weekly.  This one step can instantly remove clutter from a room and quickly surface problems you may have with owning too many special purpose clothes, tools, etc.
3.  Put Everything Away, Making Sure that Everything Has a Home
Don’t create new storage, just get everything put away as quickly as possible.  In this step, make sure that when you are done there will be slack of 15-25% in all storage spaces, preferably 25%.  If you will not have that much slack, then you have to get rid of more stuff.  Accept no compromise on this point.  See Organize This Home for other ideas on organizing storage.
4.  Now Clean
Now that you have the trash gone and everything put away, clean the place thoroughly.  This will flush out any remaining items that need to be dealt with.  Note:  Cleaning is step 4 in this procedure.  Resist any temptation to clean as you go through steps 1 through 3:  All that will do is bog down the process, probably forcing you to extend the work beyond your initial time limit. 

Plan for Dealing with a Large Amount of Clutter

If you have an overwhelmingly large amount of clutter in many rooms of your house, then the above plan won’t work because you’ll get bogged down too easily.  In that case, prior to applying the above procedure, apply a method recommended by the Fly Lady:  Spread the de-cluttering over a period of several weeks, taking 10 to 20 items out of a particular room each day.  This is covered in one of her lessons, "DeClutter 15 Minutes a Day". 

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