Mr. and Mrs. Higgins, Domobots
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About Mr. and Mrs. Higgins

Mr. and Mrs. Higgins are examples of domobots--household robots.  They are fictional creations meant to give us the ability to visualize what could be done if we had robots in our homes today.

Mr. Higgins is a model 79B domobot.  He is quiet to a fault.  The Smiths hardly notice when he is in the house.  When Mr. Higgins gets a day off, which is almost never, he likes to take his new space ship, a Pissante SquireBolt, for a spin around the planet.  There's not much to see, but, Mr. Higgins is content to just stare out the window as the world goes by.

Mrs. Higgins is a model 82F domobot.  Mrs. Higgins is a newer, more capable domobot than Mr. Higgins, but, she would never say that to her husband.  Mr. Higgins is useless when his pride is wounded.

One of the ways Mrs. Higgins keeps Mr. Higgins working hard is by allowing him to buy the latest model space craft every year.  She thinks the prices on these space craft are ridiculously high, but likes the effect it has on Mr. Higgins.  When he gets back from a spin, he'll do just about anything Mrs. Higgins asks him to do.  It is tragic how easily Mr. Higgins can be manipulated.

Mr. Higgins loves and cherishes Mrs. Higgins.  He has often wondered how he could of gotten this far if Mrs. Higgins had not been by his side for all these years. Mrs. Higgins knows he wouldn't have gotten a darn thing done, but, well . . . you know she would never tell him that to his face.

Together Mr. and Mrs. Higgins have built a pretty good life together working for the Smiths.  Once they had the Smiths trained, the Smith family was a breeze to take care of.

The only real problem the Higgins have with the Smiths is that they own dogs.  Not just one dog, several dogs.  The dogs leave dog hair every where and growl whenever Mr. or Mrs. Higgins yell at them to get off the furniture.

The Smiths only have two dogs now, but, Mrs. Higgins has heard Mrs. Smith say when she is alone that she looks forward to the day when she get another three dogs and a personal dog-watcher domobot.

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